Logic 2 (Formal Logic): 1 Credit
Text: Discovery of Deduction (Student)
Discovery of Deduction (Teacher)
This course will introduce students to the interesting realm of formal, deductive logic. Coming after a study of informal logic, which concerns the claims being made in the content of an argument, a study of formal logic analyzes the structure of the argument. Logic as a subject is perfect for training young minds to think clearly, and is best taught by showing the relevance of logic to the students’ own concerns and interests. The text we’ve chosen for this course is designed to emphasize the practical and real-world application of soundly structured, deductive logic. Using methods such as Socratic dialogue, readings from Plato and Sherlock Holmes, diagrams, memory devices, and personal application, it teaches in ways that provide lasting benefit to the student.
Six assignments and six tests are used to evaluate student progress.
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