Dr. Stanley Schmidt
Never again hear the question which many math students have: “When are we ever gonna use this stuff?” or “Math is boring!”
No other textbooks are like these. Each text is written in the style of a novel with a humorous story line. Each section tells part of the life of Fred Gauss and how, in the course of his life, he encounters the need for the math and then learns the methods. Tons of solved examples.
Lots of statistics and one morning in the life of six-year-old Fred.
All the popular tests! Normal Distribution, Chi-Squared, etc.
Advanced tests!
Regression equations!
Emergency Statistics Guide!
Field Guide!
Descriptive Statistics (averages, measures of dispersion, types of distributions), Probability, Bayes’ Theorem, From a Given a Population Determine What Samples Will Look Like (7 tests), Techniques of Sampling, From a Given Sample Determine What the Population Was (14 tests), Determine Whether Two Given Samples Came From the Same Population (15 tests), Working With Three or More Samples (10 tests), Emergency Statistics Guide, Regression Equations, Field Guide, 16 Tables.
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